Thursday, December 4, 2008

Don't Call Me Ishmael

Author: Michael Bauer

Rate: 10/10

This is the second novel that Michael Bauer written . This is book is about a baby that was born and was named Ishmael. Then when he grew up he didn't like his name at all he thinks the name is a curse. Ishmael doesn't like to be called Ishmael so when people call him Ishmael he shouts "Don't call me Ishmael" When Ishmael was younger he used to be a altar boy and when he has to say things in front of people he always faints. I think that it happened the same thing when the author was still a kid. I think this author writes this books with his deep feelings and he writes his story from his young life experience. That's why he's one of my favorite author.

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