Monday, September 15, 2008

Marco's Millions

Author: William Sleator

Rating: 10/10

This book is a really great book is really cool and has come mysterious scenes. This book is about a boy name Marco. He has two little sister, one is name Lily and the youngest one is Ruth. One day Lily saw a flash of light in the basement and knew something weird was going on. Then she told Marco at first Marco didn't believe her but then Marco took the box that was in the way and went inside it. Inside was like a city with cars and all that stuff. Then he met aliens they said to bring Lily to the dimension and Marco can only go inside there if Lily came along. Then one night he took one piece of Lily's hair while she was asleep. When he went inside he never came out 3 years already. At first his parents were worried but then 3 years past and they stopped worrying. Then 20 or 30 years had past and he still didn't came back. Then the book continues, if you want to know what will happen next then you should read this book.

1 comment:

Ms Schwarzkopf said...

This sounds like another mix of horror and sci fi. I sounds pretty good. I read a couple of Sleator stories. I like them because they don't always have a "nice" ending. Sometimes there is an unfinished mystery at the end.

I can't imagine parents not worrying too much about a kid being gone for three years! What was your favorite scene?

Edit before posting and read through your post.